访客/探访(日 & 晚上)

A resident’s right to privacy and comfort takes precedence over the community member’s privilege to have guests. It is important for suitemates to discuss visitation and to arrive at an agreement acceptable to all roommates in the suite.

A 非居民 is defined as any person who is not a designated resident of that suite. Non-residents are prohibited from visiting / residing in the residence halls for more than three days within a two-week period.

Non-residents must possess a valid photo ID (driver’s license, work/college ID) and be signed in at the front desk between the hours of 6:00pm and 6:00am.

  • If a 非居民 is in a residence hall prior to sign-in hours and stays after sign-in hours begin, the guest and host are expected to return to the sign in desk and sign in.
  • Non-residents must be in the presence of the host resident at all times.
  • Non-residents may not use a resident’s keys or swipe card.
  • The storage of guest/visitor property within the suite is prohibited.

Residents/Hosts will be subject to student conduct sanctions and/or a fine, if the guest visitation period is exceeded.

The visitation policy will be 严格执行.

任何 非居民 can be asked to vacate the residence halls at the discretion of a Resident Director, Public 安全 or the Director of 住房 and Residential Life at any time. Failure to vacate the premises upon request may result in the issuance of a persona non grata or trespass warning which prohibits future visits to the residence halls as well as the courtyard area of the residence halls. Failure to abide by this issuance may result in the arrest of the individual and judicial action upon the host.

Non-residents must comply with all college policies and residence hall rules/regulations. Residents that host 非居民s are responsible for the 非居民s’ behavior. Non-resident, MCC students can be held accountable for their actions through the MCC Code of Conduct. If a 非居民 creates a disruption and affects a roommate, suitemate (s), 其他居民, 或者社区, they may be asked to leave the halls and the resident may be held accountable for their actions. In cases where a 非居民 damages property or violates hall/college policy, the resident host may be subject to student conduct sanctions and/or restitution. This includes items found during searches.

  • 所有非居民 must wait for their host to be signed in. Guests must be escorted at all times and are expected to wait in the front desk area until their host is present.
  • Residents will be limited to signing in two (2) 非居民s or guests from another building.
    • There is a 12-person occupancy limit on 4-person suites.
    • There is a 15-person occupancy limit on 5-person suites.

  • 所有非居民, including parents and family members, will be required to sign in at the front desk. 任何 exceptions will be made by the Resident Director on duty.
  • Hosts will be required to bring their MCC IDs to the front desk when signing in 非居民s.
  • 所有非居民 will be required to present a valid photo ID at the front desk. The ID must be a college ID, driver’s license or other appropriate form of identification.
  • 所有非居民 must be registered at the front desk during desk hours.
  • Residents signing in a 非居民 as an overnight guest must do so at the time of registration at the front desk.
  • Overnight 非居民s are permitted, but may not reside in any suite for more than three days in any given two-week period.
  • Guests who fail to sign out of the residence halls at the sign-in desk prior to the end of desk operations will be considered an overnight 非居民.
  • 1点以后入住的客人.m. will be considered as an overnight guest.
  • 任何 guest or resident entering the residence hall(s) is subject to search by authorized personnel.
  • Children under the age of 16 visiting the halls must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and may only visit between the hours of 8:30 a.m. 到晚上8点.m. 任何 child may be asked to leave the halls at the discretion of a Resident Director, the Director of 住房和居住生活 or Public 安全 at any time. 任何 exception to this policy may be made by one of the aforementioned parties.

The sign in desks are staffed daily from 8:00pm to 1:00am. Times are subject to change based on staff coverage, 然而, all guests are still expected to be signed in and sign out.

请到 MCC Student Code of Conduct webpage to view the College’s Code of Conduct.